Thursday, August 27, 2009

1.5 Patch

I think for the most part that the patch has fixed all of the problems it was going to address. This means I won't have to snipe people off the top of Stadiums or mountain ranges. And i won't have to worry about people jumping through the hole in on the top of Quaratine during a breach game. But, I still see the winers and the naysayers that said the game isn't good. It is like life, to get to the beauty of it you have to wallow with the shit.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Great tournament Last Night, pistols only. Don't know why Chewie was so pissed last night, might have been the two knife kills, one pistol kill to get the defuse. Nice to see the new username is working. Nothing like spraying a person in the face and then doing a knife strike afterwards. Might have found my Serial Killer Gimmick. Miss playing with my favorite Team Serial Killer last night. All in all, loved playing with a great bunch of guys.