Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Letter to the Boss.

Message sent by the boss, Who. Dated 9-20-2009

Alright TKO it's almost that time , TKO Time ! lol For Real TKO Inner Squad Tourny Time. Join TheKnightOwls On October 24th at or around 11:00 pm Eastern Time. We will try to do USA vs. French again since last month was a flop. The More The Merrier , Come One Come all , TKO vs TKO look Out !!! We usually have our Inner Squad Tourny the last Sat. of every month , I moved it up due to Halloween , C yah Than TKO TKO FOR LIFE

Let's talk about what happened on the 24th, There was about 12 people that showed for the tourney surely we could have done a 4v4 demo. But Who decided that he didn't want to play the tourney. So, Who called it off, leaving people that actually came to play without a reason to be there at all.

Message sent by the boss, Who. Dated 10-25-2009

2 Views and No Responses on this post , what a joke!!!!!!!1 , no one shows up!! , I guess no one seen this!!!!!!!!! IT'S ONLY BEEN POSTED SINCE SEPT 30th, START PAYING ATTENTION TKO IT's getting Sickening, I don;t know what else to do beside , Hang a billboards outside your DAMM WINDOWS, IF NO ONE WANTS TO SHOW THAN WE DON'T NEED TO DO THIS ANYMORE

So, this is my response to Who and it is on the forum:

Who, you didn't want to have the tourney with the people that did show up. So the only enjoyment I have had from Clan this past week, was last night by putting up an Anti-Gixxer room. So, now everybody is under the belief that if there isn't enough people show up, you won't have the tourney. Why the hell bother does anybody set up the time to to come to your events if you don't want to run them with the people that show? So, are you going to have the Shotgun tourney no matter if only a hand full shows up? Please let me know, cause if not, I can setup a room to entertain myself and any body that wants to come.

Let's be real clear about something, I only see 20 people max from the squad. 1) If people aren't playing, send a message to them that you are going to knock them out of the clan. 2) Wait for 3 days.....give them time to respond. 3) If they don't respond, or if they tell you they don't have plans to play, knock them off the roster. 4) Let them know they have been knocked off the roster and let them know they can reapply when they want to play again. I know the whole issue with the #s is Who doesn't want to cut off a Captain, but if there really a reason to have so many people running nothing?

As of today, I have not seen Who in any TKO run rooms. Hopefully he shows himself.

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