Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Let's talk about the stupid clan members who can't understand a strategy. We have a moron in my book, part of the lovely TKO clan. Last night we had a clan ladder match, control points, and I made it clear that I was going straight through the middle. He decides to lobe a grenade in front of me TK'ing me in the process. I then made it clear to him that I am going the same way and not to throw a grenade in that direction. He does the same thing and TK's me. We lose the ladder match and then I direct my attention to the dumb ass who can't seem to understand a simple strategy.

1) If I am going to go in the area you are blindly throwing the grenade, I am better than the grenade because if I die, you still have a chance to counteract the person that killed me.

2) If there was a TK that you did and you know how to prevent it, why do the same thing you did and TK again?

3) It was a clan ladder match, I made my intentions known to everyone and everyone on the team knew what happened. However, no captains let him know that he should stop killing teammates so we can complete the ladder match with a win.

As of now, the clan leader hasn't been on since the first week of November. I won't say he is having personal issues, but before the TV broke, his playing time had decreased to about 2 nights a week. He will say his captains handle the business while he is away, but he puts too much trust in people will handle these type of issues. After the ladder match, I went to another profile and played for 3 hours without anybody TK me. It is nice to play with mature adults, something lacking in a few of the TKO.

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