Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Let's talk about the stupid clan members who can't understand a strategy. We have a moron in my book, part of the lovely TKO clan. Last night we had a clan ladder match, control points, and I made it clear that I was going straight through the middle. He decides to lobe a grenade in front of me TK'ing me in the process. I then made it clear to him that I am going the same way and not to throw a grenade in that direction. He does the same thing and TK's me. We lose the ladder match and then I direct my attention to the dumb ass who can't seem to understand a simple strategy.

1) If I am going to go in the area you are blindly throwing the grenade, I am better than the grenade because if I die, you still have a chance to counteract the person that killed me.

2) If there was a TK that you did and you know how to prevent it, why do the same thing you did and TK again?

3) It was a clan ladder match, I made my intentions known to everyone and everyone on the team knew what happened. However, no captains let him know that he should stop killing teammates so we can complete the ladder match with a win.

As of now, the clan leader hasn't been on since the first week of November. I won't say he is having personal issues, but before the TV broke, his playing time had decreased to about 2 nights a week. He will say his captains handle the business while he is away, but he puts too much trust in people will handle these type of issues. After the ladder match, I went to another profile and played for 3 hours without anybody TK me. It is nice to play with mature adults, something lacking in a few of the TKO.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Talk with Who

Message from WHOshotya1979, while playing in-game:



First off, let's congratulate WHOshotya1979 for having his 30th birthday. With those grammar skills, I do now believe in miracles. Secondly, let's describe the whole issue.

1) apparently WHO has had issues with people leaving his clan and starting their own. It also seems that people have taken other players with them.

2) WHO seems to be under the impression I took people from him. He seems to believe that if a person is under his clan, that the person's other personas belong to TKO.

3) WHO is also under the impression that I did something shady or underhanded.

So let's clear up any misconceptions:

A) I didn't take anybody from his clan that wasn't my own character. This would be The3ukkakeDevil. This of course was going to happen because WHO had already stated he was using the secondary names temporarily and would remove them from the roster as soon as possible.

B) Of the two TKO members that are part of U3W, neither of the profiles under U3W were ever used on the TKO roster.

C) While I am doing this, I am also working on videos for TKO to be placed on their site. I am also adding content to their site.

So, I call WHO on all of his bullshit, all of his greviances, and other than Redrum and DocJay2 chiming in, WHO sounded bitter and tired. He back peddalled about everything he said on the email, and still wanting me to stay. There was also a random comment toward my wife that was unjustified.

So, this is what TKO stands for:

1) Making a case to eliminate a person from their roster, while back pedaling on the matter when presented in a meeting of TKO.

2) Making accusations of me stealing their clan mates, which are totally unfounded, while in the same breath taking a member from the BER clan, a supposed friendly clan.

3) Letting people play on other clans, which totally makes no sense since this is what they don't want me to do.

As it stands, I provider more content for their site than most have. This will discontinue as of now. If I am to be part of TKO, it is until WHO decides he does not want me with them.

DocJay also brought up that it is an honor to be part of TKO. Where is the honor of a leader who doesn't lead, who leaves people in charge of his responsibilities and belittles their performance? How does one person hold grown men accountable for their actions when he allows his character to be controlled by anybody that comes to his house?

So the question of this post: "Should I stay with a clan that cannot honor themselves?"

TKO, time for a change....U3W.

Messages that show there is a need to change.

From Whoshotya1979:
I rewarded you with 10 Karma Points for being the first person to post something in the last week , even though it's only 9 Words , You've earned it though !!! 10 Karma Points , One post in One week Great Job TKO , looking good , Not!!!!!!!!!!1, I'll be on sometime , I'm not really feeling it No one wants to use the website and be evolved in Clan activities , so I don't wanna play! Have a Great Day!

My response:
Seriously seek some help!! Here is my last 5 posts Re: Blizzard Screen Shots on Oct 30, 2009, 12:17pm Blizzard Screen Shots on Oct 29, 2009, 7:19pm Re: COD MOD WAR 2 3rd person view on Oct 29, 2009, 5:46pm Re: Fall and Halloween Pics on Oct 29, 2009, 5:18pm Re: TKO's Most Valuable Player on Oct 29, 2009, 5:01pm Besides this one post that belittles your clan, your only post you put up was on about a Halloween Prank. You also, haven't been on Socom the last 3 days. You really believe this water you are selling? Look you don't need two of me on your roster, as you apparently think I don't contribute so you just get hobby. That is until you decide to take me off the clan. Btw, your post is in violation of clan rules 2, 3, 5, 6. And when has it been #10 for you!. It is for me every time I play.

IrishKitty response:
IM 40, how old are you? >:( Maybe if you did not expect your clan to run when you snap your fingers and you actually played in the rooms that they more then likley had played in for HOURS before your arrived... Respect is a 2 way street and I am not feeling the love anymore. Shame since I love everyone in this clan. U might want to listen to your clan captains and maybe the people on the bottom. I guess some people are afraid to tell you why they are leaving, but I am one of those that speaks my mind.

Whoshotya1979 response to both of our posts:

The Players that are on the forum and are trying I don't have a problem with , HObby or Kitty , If all the CLan members would be like you I wouldn't say a word, Everytime I post something Negitive it you two who respond , I don't have a problem with you Kitty , or You Hobby , great effort kep up the good work , on the field and on the site.!!!! What I do have a problem with is my Captains Efforts and the rest of the players that have feel off the earth that haven't responded to e-mails , or Clan Functions , or this website. Kitty and Hobby you've been with us for about 6 to eight months or so , and the effort to make this clan something has been great. I'm missing about 20 Core players that make this clan who will get on once a week for two rounds . ANd The Snap of a Finger , I send Emails , I post events a month in advance and I try to keep things running smoothly. But Instead I get bicthced at , I get no Shows Months and months in a row. I want this to work but after Six years of being built up just to be let down every month, I'm going nutz , trying to keep things runnning , than I got Gixx Telling me I'm a Control Freak , and On A Power Trip. I don't see it that way , THis Clan was ran over several times and I would try harder and harder to make it work , rebuild this ebsite about a year and a half ago , got it back up to 100 members and I feel were at a stand still again. My play time has been down because I log on and no ones on or will have four or five on , it's very dis hearting and leaves me with mixxed emotions , Yes I did only play three times last week I tried joining rooms that TKO has going if it's full I ge a new Room just like weve done for years ,A lot of your comments to me when I make comments like this , are all based on stuff thats happened in the last Six months , you don't know about the first Six Years, and Bringing up clan rules , well those shouldn't even exist since they're never obeyed by anyone . I'm just trying to get some others that have not been playing to get it in gear , not the people that play everyday and devote there lives to the game , because at one time everyone had that love for the game , I could mention about thirty players but I don't like trowing people under the bus like some people! I will be on but I need players to pull together and get the buddies off the couch and get there shjt in gear , I love TKO , I love this Game , I just want everyone on the same page and going for the same goals , TO BETTER THIS CLAN , AND GET PLAYERS INVOLVED AND STAY INVOLVED, with the the fun loving group TKO has always been, We are a special group of players all looking to have a good time every time we log on. TKO I hope Some of you aren't getting the wrong idea and I appreciate everyone that has giving there all on and off the playing field, keep it Up! The Knight Owls For Life!!

Seems a little too scattered. He wants to hit all the points but then at the end, like a politician running for office, he hits the catchphrase.

My response?

Who, you want things like they were, that is fine. You want to bring up clan members I have never seen or played with or the captains you have placed your clan in the hand of as reason why in your eyes TKO is not what you want it to be? Fine, that is your right. Do you see the pattern? I have not said anything that trampled on your ideas, I have not gotten into a verbal shouting match with you as others have and I have not stated anything about you having issues with others. If you set yourself up rules that are to govern anything, whether it be a video game clan or a country, the one person that everybody looks up to see holding the ideas of the group at it highest regard, is the leader. You stating what you said in the forum gives everybody the ideal that it is kosher to disregard the rules. You don't have the luxury to be giving anybody a reason to question them, sorry but that is how the view is at top. I have removed one name from the roster, because I don't see why it is needed. You want numbers to keep the captains that aren't performing to what you want? I will keep the other name on the roster until you or anybody else decide I shouldn't be on the roster. I do hope TKO the best, but my involvement will be less than appropriate for any consideration of any awards.

So the question of the day is "How do you maintain a clan if your desires and emotions go against the clan's very beliefs?"

Time for a change, time for me to enjoy the game with the U3W.