Friday, January 8, 2010

Awkward night

SO played a room with BLACK5DELTA last night. Don't know why he was on the other side. But he was with TKO for about 3 maps. After the maps, and all of TKO was left the room, I asked BLACK5DELTA if they upset. Besides JOZWhales, who has some severe issues with me for whatever reason, nobody really was talking trash. BLACK did say they were saying alot of trash on the other side but BLACK told me that they always have issues with people not on there team.

Looking back at my experience with TKO, I think it is better to be more competitive and less childish. TKO wants to be a great clan, and I hope they are able to be. However, my experience with them shows that they have to get past their issues and have to play as a team.

Best example, if a no account claymore weilding dick like me can get a bunch of other people to beat them in 3 maps, and take up 2 MVPs, I wish them the best of luck.

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