Friday, January 15, 2010

Was it something I said?

Oh Who, you silly little shit. It pains me to see your response confirms that you lack any confidence in your actions. It brings tears to my eyes that I no longer have to see you copying off other sites when I can just go to them.

Hate to see a person lacking a spine, but did I really think I was going to see anything else?

I feel liberated, but then again, I don't have to deal with your constant morale boosting speeches.....oh wait, there were none.

I don't have to hear your long strategy sessions on how to win a map....oh wait, there were none.

I don't have to hear you constantly belittle your clan because you preach order and respect but don't provide little if any in that is a straight truth.

You will be happy to know I have changed the YouTube videos descriptions to direct them to this blog. You see this is how real people have an argument. To face the issues head on. Real adults don't lock the door when you don't want the person to come in. This isn't a Zombie movie where you can just wait it out.

So predictable, Who, so predictable.

Bc^ may not be as "serious" as you want to be but at least they are diplomatic in their disputes. Unlike you, their leader gives everybody a voice and values everybody's opinions. I will help Bc^ grow in anyway I can, so arm up, sir. High road be damned.

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