Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Alright, we now have a problem.

This was taken from an e-mail from WhoShotya1979:

The Knight Owls For Life - Captains Meeting

Attention all TKO Captains , Me and a few others have decided to have a *Mandatory TKO CAPTAINS MEETING* If you are a TKO Captain and you wish to not attend the meeting, your Captain Tag will be removed to make room for new captains who want to play socom, who want to participate and be apart of TheKnightOwls.

Due to members leaving for other games and other clans, we have already started to down size the clan , by removing non-active members and adding New Recruits, We have also discussed cutting down to One Roster to make things easier for all to manage. It will make Clan Ladder matches a lot easier and we don't have to worry about second names and this and that , we will focus on One Solid roster.

TKO CLAN CAPTAINS LIST IS AS FOLLOWS : Summerkills , Major.Stifler , Devaltaker , Reddrum-94 , Moosedrooln , Gixxer_27 , Docjay2 , Prybar141516 , Myself , This Meeting is Mandatory , and only for captains at this time. TKO Me and a few other Captains are trying to get TKO Back on track as best we can , so please show up on January 20th at 10pm est for a TKO Captains meeting to discuss TKO's future. I've giving you guys 2 weeks notice on this meeting so I don't want no excuses , be there , If not your Captain Tag will be removed , you will keep your TKO Tag But loose your captain ship that you have worked so hard to get.

TKO I would like to see everyone back on track with TKO , we've recruited a few new members and the New maps are sick the game is running real good , all You COD user it's great to see you alll so in love with a game , and I'm glad your getting such great use out of your PS3 , but It's TKO Time , we have something special with TKO and we always have and I hope to keep it going, Lets Go TKO your in control of our Destiny , Get On our Website . share your thoughts , Play With Your Clan , And Keep This Clan on Top Like it's always Been!


P.S. ---- Use it or will loose it , TKO yah Gotta believe! TheKnightOwls BABY!!

---End E-mail---

My take on this matter is simple: Fuck Who! Where the hell was he when when MW came out? Where the hell was he for about 2 months while others had to be involved in matches where there was no authority figure. I see a whole hell of alot of shit and I will be the first to say I don't have time to see a clan fall apart. So let's do this by facts:

Fact 1
Two of your captains have not played the game since MW2 came out. Two of your captains haven't played the game since the last patch. now you are saying you are going to remove their Captain tag? Thanks but that is 3 months too late.

Fact 2
The clan should never have had two rosters. When the numbers were down in October, the rosters should have been consolidated. But what did Who say, he didn't want to lose peoples' Captain tags. Wow, 4 months later he got a clue.

Fact 3
He runs a clan like you would run a fantasy football team. He brought people in and hoped for the best. Now he wants to run it right, problem is I think there is about 12 people that play regularly and one that doesn't is Who.

Fact 4

He has disrespected me, my friends, and even had a nice little thing to say about my wife. None of which he has apologize for or said he did.

Fact 5
The fact is Who is the weakest link. Since his 30th birthday, Who has been the most inconsistent player, both in time and in game play. He will let a friend play his game during clan ladder matches. He will not tell teammates of this until the end of the match. He will come to a room drunk, which I normally would have an issue with, but he sucks when he is drunk. And if somebody questions him, he goes to the whole "it's my team, if you don't like it, leave."

Personal message to Who: I don't like it, I don't like you as a clan leader, SOCOM player or pretty much as a man. I think in the real world you may be ok, but you suck the fun out of playing this game. I have had enough.

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