Friday, January 15, 2010

TKO's leader is a pussy.

Above is what I see on my previous clan's site for my signature. Now Who isn't the most intelligent person out there, hell he isn't even up there with some people from the short bus. But even he had to know I was going to find out. Also, Who is the only one that has administrated control of the site. So I don't want to hear anybody defending a man that can't keep control of his clan, let alone his own damn site.

Who could have took the high road. He could have just deleted my signature and taken the clan tag off the name. I have told everybody that has asked about why I left, both TKO clan people and outside people, that I just wanted to leave all the drama. Now most people would say, "What Drama?"

This is the drama. Who has issues, and he seems to not want to have a "Confrontation". I want to take the high road, I really do. So I will, but I hope this is a cautionary tale to show how a person's character really shows when they think no one is looking. Now below is what I posted on his forum, which will probably be deleted by the end of the month, if he actually ever manages to do anything right. I also took it upon myself to change my clan tag, something who forgets to do all the time.

Who, good luck with your clan, I hope you don't disrespect anybody else. But you have done a disservice to your clan mates by leaving such an obvious attack to me on your forum. For no other reason than to make yourself feel better, you have made your clan seem petty and small.

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